Saturday, June 14, 2014

Life's like that

I must have written this when I was in Infy - used to wear a tie only during those days. The long nights despite all the process hyperbole must have made me write this.

It was yet another sleepy Monday,
Breeze ruffling my hair, made the tie sway
I walked listlessly towards my building,
When would I come out, deeply wondering

Stairs I was about to climb,
When the swiping machines began to chime,
Turning around, I let out a vow!
Gaurav was skillfully swaying to and fro

Between the swipe machines, moving his ID card,
He generated a sweet wordless ballard,
To horror my amazement turn,
When from melody, cacophony he churn,

"Stop it! Gaurav", I heard myself yelling,
Unrelentlessly he continued at his task, unrewarding,
Curling my fingers into a fist,
I took a shot but narrowly missed

Cracked the knuckles as the wall came in contact with the bone,
Shuddering I awoke from the dream with a loud groan,
Cursing and swearing to myself I talk,
Amidst the incessant beeping of the alarm clock

1 comment:

az said...

aah...i know what it means :D